Java Proxies

🌐 Bungeecord
🌠 Velocity
💨 lightfall
🚪 gate
✅ VanillaCord

⚠️ Inactive Development

The following projects are no longer being actively developed. They may still be useful, but they aren't supported and most likely contain security vulnerabilities, like Log4Shell.

⬛ Miners League BungeeCord
⬛ NachoBungee
⬛ HQBungeeCord
⬛ BarelyAuthenticated
⬛ Dripleaf
⬛ infrated
🛑 Hexacord
🕳 KettleCord
🌌 Travertine
🔑 BarelyAuthenticated
⬛ DarkCord
〽 Flexagon
💦 Glymur
🎈 MetaProxy
🎉 wCord
🦅 ElytraProxy
🍃 JLilyPad
🍃 GoLilyPad
🌊 Waterfall
🔥 FlameCord