
⚠ī¸ Inactive Development

The following projects are no longer being actively developed. They may still be useful, but they aren't supported and most likely contain security vulnerabilities, like Log4Shell.

ℹī¸ The information may be incorrect. The software listed here is likely old and official sources have been lost.

âŦ› CraftBukkit++
âŦ› Creativity
âŦ› Crocus
âŦ› DytanicSpigot
âŦ› FeatherSpigot
âŦ› Fish
âŦ› Myne2
âŦ› NessusMS
âŦ› Nostalgia
âŦ› Quartz
âŦ› QuartzPowered
âŦ› Quesadilla
âŦ› RainForest
âŦ› RubberBukkit
âŦ› TridentSDK
âŦ› Rubbercord
âŦ› TableCloth